Force Multiplying Security: A Guide

Dec 2024

In April of this year, I published Force Multiplying Security, which outlines an approach I started exploring back in 2010. The post was intentionally high-level and resulted in several readers reaching out and asking for a more practical, hands-on guide.

Well, here you go, Force Multiplying Security: A Guide.


Implementing force multiplication in a security organization involves leveraging a clear process and strategy, tools, and resources to enhance the effectiveness and reach of security efforts but without an increase in resources. This can be achieved by focusing on improving efficiency, scaling operations, automating tasks, and maximizing the impact of people and technology.

Force Multiplying Security


Advanced Threat Intelligence

Security Tools Integration

Scalable and Resilient Infrastructure

Incident Response Team

Managed Services and Outsourcing Talent


Risk Management

Security Culture

Feedback Loop

Use of Artificial Intelligence For Security (not really comfortable with this, but I've seen good results)

To Close The Guide

Force multiplying security begins with optimizing the use of technology, processes, and the people to achieve a much greater impact without a proportional increase in resources. By automating routine tasks, leveraging advanced threat intelligence, integrating security tools, and fostering a culture of security, an organization can multiply its defensive capabilities and stay ahead of evolving threats.

Putting Into Practice These Multipliers

If you have a limited budget, how would you prioritize the application of these force multipliers? What order would you follow? The answer can vary, but here are a few examples of what we could focus on. Thanks Izar Tarandach for the idea of applying the strategy in this way.

For each "industry", here's the prioritized order. Keep in mind that not all force-multiplying strategies may be necessary or feasible.

Software Companies

  1. Security Culture
  2. Training
  3. Security Tools Integration
  4. Scalable and Resilient Infrastructure
  5. Incident Response Team
  6. Automation
  7. Risk Management
  8. Feedback Loop
  9. Use of Artificial Intelligence For Security
  10. Managed Services and Outsourcing Talent
  11. Advanced Threat Intelligence

Service Providers

  1. Security Culture
  2. Training
  3. Scalable and Resilient Infrastructure
  4. Advanced Threat Intelligence
  5. Incident Response Team
  6. Risk Management
  7. Automation
  8. Use of Artificial Intelligence For Security
  9. Security Tools Integration
  10. Feedback Loop
  11. Managed Services and Outsourcing Talent

Regulated Industries

  1. Training
  2. Scalable and Resilient Infrastructure
  3. Incident Response Team
  4. Advanced Threat Intelligence
  5. Risk Management
  6. Feedback Loop
  7. Security Culture

Government Agencies

  1. Security Culture
  2. Risk Management
  3. Incident Response Team
  4. Training
  5. Advanced Threat Intelligence
  6. Automation
  7. Security Tools Integration
  8. Feedback Loop

It would be an interesting exercise to apply this approach to more industries and organizations, and see if any patterns emerge that suggest certain multipliers are inherently more important.